Who is Translucency Jade Jewelry and Justin The Jade Carver?

My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada.
My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite & Jadeite Jewelry and sculptures to share with the world and continue improving my craft and advancing my education to become a Gemmologist/Fine Jewelry Expert to even better improve my knowledge on my craft.

My second Secondary Goal is to have the LARGEST Nephrite/Jadeite Collection in Canada that features Jade from Around the world!

I have been Partnering with
Jade Carvers Worldwide and from every Culture that Jade has influenced AND Jade-Suppliers and miners from around the Globe to bring you every type of Nephrite Jade & Jadeite from every country Jade Originates from.

We Currently are Partnered with:
JadeJourneyNZ - Pounamu Jade Jewelry
BI-Jade - Indonesian Nephrite Jade Miner/Supplier
Johnson Jewelry - Vietnamese Jade Jewelry & Carvings

We Have Jade From the Following Countries:
- Canadian Nephrite Jade
- Indonesian Nephrite Jade
- California/Big Sur Nephrite Jade
- Burmese/Burma Jadeite
- Guatemala Jadeite
- Siberian/Russia Nephrite & Jadeite
- Turkish Purple Jadeite 60%

My Story "Click here"
  • Supporting an Independent Canadian Jade Carver

    I am currently the only person running this Business, so please keep in mind that I am the Customer-support, The Carver, The Marketer, the Sales-rep and everything in-between.
    Every sale directly funds my ability to keep carving, Keep buying Jade for resale for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collects and most importantly, the ability to follow my passion/dream of being one of the best Jade-Carvers in Canada and a Certified Gemologist!

  • 100% Real Authentic Jade & Money-Back Guarantee!

    At Translucency Jade Jewelry, I am committed to providing you with the highest quality jade products and an exceptional shopping experience. That's why I offer a 100% Jade Guarantee with a Money Back Assurance, ensuring all of my customers are happy with every purchase.

    All of our Jade is Type: A Natural and Untreated.

    100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee 
  • Fast Shipping, Affordable, Reliable.

    I make sure to always pick the fastest shipping option available and will always upgrade my customers shipping when available and as time goes on our prices will only get cheaper/more Affordable. Lastly, I will put my reputation on the line to ensure every single one of my customers are happy with their order!

    Explore our Jade Collections 

Who is Translucency Jade Jewelry & Justin The Jade Carver? Click the Video below to Learn more!

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