Who is Translucency Jade Jewelry?

My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada. My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Jewelry/Sculptures to share with the world and to have the Canada's largest Nephrite-Jade/Jadeite rough collection for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors to choose from!

  • Supporting an Independent Canadian Jade Carver

    I am currently the only person running this Business, so please keep in mind that I am the Customer-support, The Carver, The Marketer, the Sales-rep and everything in-between.
    Every sale directly funds my ability to keep carving, Keep buying Jade for resale for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors and most importantly, the ability to follow my passion/dream of being one of the best Jade-Carvers in Canada and a Certified Gemologist!

  • 100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee

    At Translucency Jade Jewelry, I am committed to providing you with the highest quality jade products and an exceptional shopping experience. That's why I offer a 100% Jade Guarantee with a Money Back Assurance, ensuring all of my customers are happy with every purchase.

    100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee 
  • Fast Shipping, Affordable, Reliable.

    I make sure to always pick the fastest shipping option available and will always upgrade my customers shipping when available and as time goes on our prices will only get cheaper/more Affordable. Lastly, I will put my reputation on the line to ensure every single one of my customers are happy with their order!

    Explore our Jade Collections 





我购买并制成珠宝的所有玉石均来自我们自己的加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,并且是“软玉”。我直接从批发商那里购买,批发商将巨大的巨石分解成 1 磅到 10 公斤的大块,然后我用石锯将其进一步分解成珠宝。我只购买/使用珠宝级 A-B+ 玉石,拒绝使用较低质量的玉石来赚取更高的利润。我还会始终展示制作所售珠宝的原玉的图片/视频。所有翡翠也从同一家供应商处购买,并使用相同的方法制成珠宝。



- 贾斯汀玉雕师

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